Institutional Sales

We raise capital on the WSE through IPO and SPO transactions. We also handle package transactions, public tenders and trading of financial instruments on the WSE. Our experience and international contacts with institutional investors speak for the fact that we are able to effectively obtain financing, fully meeting the expectations of our Clients.

Capital transactions

Raising capital through the capital market

As part of our capital raising services, we provide:

execution of IPO and SPO transactions (also in undocumented form)

execution of SPO transactions addressed to qualified investors

organization accelerated book building transactions

organization of investors education, road shows and pilot fishing meetings

Brokerage services

Brokerage, order execution, cross, package and OTC transactions

Observing the market situation, we adapt the profile of our services to market needs. We provide services in the field of:

daily brokerage of trading in financial instruments on the WSE (active search for the other party to the transaction)

execution of orders at the disposal of the broker according to any parameters set by the Client — algorytmic trading

execution of cross, package and OTC transactions


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