Our account is based on proven IT solutions that ensure instant contact with the trading systems of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Online Quotations
Our solutions allow you to create individual quotations of displayed companies.
We give our customers access to a user-friendly tool for technical analysis and viewing of value charts.
The advantages of this tool are:
- transparent charts (candles, linear, OHCL),
- moving averages,
- the ability to work with trend lines.
1 or 5 best offers
The market standard is to make quotations available to Clients with a 15-minute delay. We offer the possibility of using real-time quotes for free or at attractive prices (depending on the scale of the client's turnover).
It is possible to use quotes covering the 1 best offer for a given value, or from a broader information covering the 5 best offers.
Investing in Derivatives
We enable our clients to invest in derivatives — derivatives, used mainly for speculation or hedging against exchange rate fluctuations.
In doing so, it is possible to use leverage, which allows you to achieve a large profit with much less commitment of own funds than with the use of traditional financial instruments.
We enable you to invest in:
- contracts for indices, stocks or currencies,
- options,
- index units.
Within one account, it is possible to create several wallets.
Investments in financial instruments such as futures and options are subject to considerable risk.
One of the reasons for the increased risk is the use of significant leverage in the construction of collateral and the need to hold only a small amount of money in relation to the value of the financial instrument.
Analytical materials
For those interested in investing in the stock market, we provide free analytical materials presenting the latest market news:
- Trigon Daily,
- Schedules tenders with the right of collection, public offers and summons.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with materials.
Online Account
Brokerage system DoAkcji 2.0
Our competitive broker commission rates via the internet start as early as 0.23% per transaction