Market Making
Market Making service provided by Trigon is among the best in terms of quality on the market.

We improve the liquidity of our clients' instruments in the three most important WSE markets, on which in total last year we generated a turnover of several billion PLN.
Based on many years of experience of market makers working in our department, we are currently creating a market for more than 200 instruments. Having a market maker gives the issuer access to a professional who uses his knowledge of the market and his capital to increase the liquidity of the instrument, which is of great importance for current and potential shareholders.

Main Market of the WSE — regulated market
It consists of the cash market and the derivatives market. The spot market is dedicated to issuers with a market value exceeding EUR 15 million.
Both on the cash and futures market, we occupy leading positions among animators in terms of activity. Having a trading facilitator in this market allows the company to join the Liquidity Support Program ("PWP"), thanks to which the issuer protects itself from the marginalization of the company in the eyes of potential investors.
Regardless of joining PWP, we take care of all the liquidity measures of our clients, on which the success of possible future issues of financial instruments depends.

NewConnect — an alternative market
The market makes it easier for small businesses to raise capital. The minimum amount of own capital is PLN 0.5 million.
For our clients in the alternative market, we provide a trading facilitator service in order to improve liquidity so that our clients can enter the NC Lead segment when the other conditions are met. The company thus wins the distinction as the largest and most liquid, and thus the closest to the transition to the Main Market of the WSE.

Catalyst — bond market (regulated and alternative)
Market for treasury, corporate, municipal, cooperative bonds and pledge bonds. Minimum issue size PLN 1 million.
In general, the bond market is a less liquid market than the stock market. Therefore, the issuer who decides to introduce the bonds to the Alternative Trading System is obliged to have a market maker.
In addition to the basic function of supporting liquidity, the animator provides daily valuation of the instrument, reduces fluctuations in bond prices, and reduces the liquidity premium for bond buyers.
Market Making Team
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