In this section you will find materials to help both investors who want to expand their knowledge and those who are looking for the latest information on events in dynamically changing markets.
Schedule of tenders — tender offers
Information on the schedule of tenders offers.
Financial instruments
Information about the most important financial instruments available on the Polish market.
Rules for placing orders and order types
Information on the basic types of orders and the rules for placing them in different phases of trading
Session Schedule
Information about the duration of individual phases of a session in the UTP system.
Investment Risk
Information about the risks to which an investor is exposed when investing capital in financial instruments.
Price Quotation Step
Information on the Required Accuracy of Quotation When Placing Orders for Specific Financial Instruments
Subscription Rights
Information on subscription rights.
Basic Rules for Safe Use of the Brokerage Portal DoAkcji 2.0 (System)
Schedule of tenders — subscription rights
Information on the schedule of tenders in the field of subscription rights.
Capital gains tax
Capital gains tax and Investor Vademecum
Information about a share dividend